3 Baskets

What do you put on your calendar? Does your planner reflect your time well each day?

Generally speaking, we all have three baskets of stuff to do. These three baskets need to be balanced for our time to be used well. That can be tricky! But if you make sure all three are reflected in your daily or weekly plan, you are well on your way.

Scheduled Commitments
The dentist. The practices. The work. The school days. These are things that are commitments at certain times on specific days. You don’t just stop into the dentist’s office when you are driving by; it’s a date and time. If you can’t make it as planned, you re-schedule, but it remains a specific date and time.

  • School schedule
  • Work schedule
  • Sports schedule
  • Medical appointments

These are the things that should — and usually do — go on the calendar first. They are the non-negotiables. Not that you can’t reschedule, but for the moment they are fixed. You have to work around these entries.

What are your priorities? We all have them. Some are assigned to us, and some we take on ourselves. Either way, if they are priorities, they will show up in our use of time. So as we manage our time, we block out space on our calendars to focus on what is most important.

  • Do you have regular time for devotions?
  • Do you have time marked to just enjoy your children or family?
  • Do you set aside 20 minutes to read on a regular basis?

The long to-do list. So much to do, but have you scheduled time to do it all? If your day is full of commitments and focused priorities, without a minute to breathe, those tasks will not get done. Tasks are the little things: errands, dishes, laundry, bank, birthday cards, etc. They also reflect our priorities, but they are 5-to-15-minute items.

There is no need to schedule time for each task on our calendars, but it can be helpful to schedule an hour or two a day (whatever time fits each one’s needs) to knock out tasks.

  • Run errands (dry cleaning, bank, pharmacy)
  • Housework (hall closet, bathrooms, vacuum)
  • Bills and correspondence

That way, time is there to address them, and we can tackle the list effectively during that time without distraction.

Clean and Organized Cars Refresh

Recently, I transferred the contents of one vehicle entirely into another vehicle. Sounds like a big job, right? Well, because of the way it was packed in the first time, the whole process took 20 minutes. It would have been even faster if the spaces in the new had not had different shapes and sizes than the old. That took a little refiguring for a few minutes.

Other than the puzzling and cleaning out a little bit of trash, the transfer was smooth and easy. It reminded me of the two posts on this topic from last year, so here they are again. And, once again — this worked, and I’m thankful.

Our Mobile Command Centers

Clean Cars

Happy driving!