Are you familiar with the scene in Charlotte’s Web where Templeton enjoys his evening at the fair? He was all about the food — a glorious smorgasbord of indulgences. And he did, indeed, indulge. We smile at his feeding frenzy and the consequences that follow, but we also laugh because it is so relatable.
Each day has 24 hours. Sometimes what to do with those hours is like a buffet. There are so many dishes to choose from! We want to try all the beautiful dishes and enjoy every bite. So many flavors!
But the excitement wanes as our stomachs fill.
Just like a buffet line, don’t try to eat everything. There are so many good choices for what to do with your time, but not all those good choices are good for you this day. You have a limited amount of time and energy, so choose wisely. Consider what is best for this season. Decide what you can handle and don’t overextend yourself. Do one thing well, instead of ten things poorly. Make sure your responsibilities are covered before branching out. Run a marathon, not a sprint. Conserve your energy for your priorities — and then a little dessert! Choose a delicious plate and enjoy, instead of spending $15 to get sick.
Moderation in all things, as my mother often says.