Introduction to Hospitality

Mary Clare Freel is our guest blogger for this series. She is a pastor’s wife in Macon, GA, wife and mother of six, and occasional conference speaker. The series is excerpted from her retreat sessions on hospitality.

by Mary Clare Freel

Think with me for a moment about two little words. These two words may fill your heart with excitement or your mind with anxiety. They may stir up your creative juices or send you scurrying about the house in a cleaning frenzy. The sound of these words may cause your children to skip about the house in delight or have them running for cover. What are these words that elicit such a variety of emotions? Have you guessed? They are “Company’s coming!”. I must confess that I have experienced all of these emotions over the years. Have you?

Over the next three sessions we will delve into the subject of hospitality (not exhaustively). In the first session we will see what God says in His Word concerning hospitality and what He expects of His people. Secondly, we will explore various ways to demonstrate hospitality. In the final session, we will discuss practical ways to simplify hospitality, which will hopefully alleviate some of the apprehension of it.

I should tell you at the onset that my goal is to convince you that all believers are called upon to share in the ministry of hospitality. I hope that you will be persuaded, if you are not already, that it is not only for a gifted few in the church to carry the load. Neither is it only for those with large homes and big pocketbooks. No, it is incumbent upon all of those in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to use their homes for His glory. I hope that you will share this view by the end of the time together if you do not presently do so.

So, there it is, out in the open! No hidden motives!

Furthermore, I hope to convince you that this calling is not a burden. This is not intended to weigh you down with guilt, but to free your mindset to see the delightful opportunities we have as children of God through our homes. This should not be an overwhelming endeavor. There are ways to make hospitality easy and painless.

Rejoicing in Relationships

Recently I was part of a reading group discussion on Unforgettable by Scott Simon, and part of the conversation was about how the author told the story of his life with his mother through relationships. The people they knew made their life what it was. Memories of family and friends, long-term and short-term, painted the picture of the decades they shared. Whether life-time family members or friends known for a time, so many made an impact.

So often we think of lives — whether ours or anyone else’s — as a series of events. We are born, we walk, we start school, we graduate, we work, we marry, etc. Project-driven types like me tend to think of our days as a series of tasks; Monday is defined by the to-do list.

Speaking for myself, I need the reminder daily (if not hourly) that my life is in relationships, not accomplishments or milestones. My relationship with God is life, all I need today and for eternity. My relationship with my husband is my earthly priority and a priceless work of God’s grace in my life. My relationship with my stepdaughter is a precious treasure day after day. My relationships in my local church and through the work day build me up and provide an avenue for blessing in turn. My friendships provide similar benefits and a whole lot of joy. Neighbors, extended family, acquaintances, waiters and clerks we see on a regular basis, and more — all enrich daily life.

I need to remember that my life so far is a beautiful tapestry of people God has placed in my path. I need to remember that my day today is not about getting the oil changed and the laundry caught up and the project finished and dinner made, but about loving those in it. Yes, I love them by doing the dishes, but often I need to look up from the sink and smile at my family and be thankful.