Good tools make such a difference! If you are looking for gifts with that kind of impact for a new RV owner, here are a few tried and true staples of our roaming household:
Hangers that stay on the rod. After multiple set-ups that included picking up all the hanging clothes off the floor of the closet…sigh…I found these that will stay put. Joy!
- Spare tire cover. You can choose cute, or beautiful, or custom to gift a statement piece that will also keep the tire from deteriorating as fast as possible.
- Sticky stuff. Command hooks didn’t hold as well as we needed, nor do they hold something firmly in place, so a recommendation from a friend brought us to this. It’s good for holding plants on the counter or the clock on the wall or shelves in the cupboard.
- Cordless tire inflator. This has been used to the max! Tires a little low and need a top-off being hitting the road. Here you have what you need. A lifesaver that has been in and out of our truck more times than I can count.
Travel map stickers. Where have you been? Keep track and share your progress with this decal. Fun to look at and even more fun to fill in.
- Leveling blocks. Not every site is level, so these versatile, yet compact, blocks provide the help needed when setting up.
*None of these links are affiliates or revenue-generating in any way. These items are simply tools that have benefited us greatly.