Gift Guide: New RV Owner

Good tools make such a difference! If you are looking for gifts with that kind of impact for a new RV owner, here are a few tried and true staples of our roaming household:

  • Hangers that stay on the rod. After multiple set-ups that included picking up all the hanging clothes off the floor of the closet…sigh…I found these that will stay put. Joy!
  • Spare tire cover. You can choose cute, or beautiful, or custom to gift a statement piece that will also keep the tire from deteriorating as fast as possible.
  • Sticky stuff. Command hooks didn’t hold as well as we needed, nor do they hold something firmly in place, so a recommendation from a friend brought us to this. It’s good for holding plants on the counter or the clock on the wall or shelves in the cupboard.
  • Cordless tire inflator. This has been used to the max! Tires a little low and need a top-off being hitting the road. Here you have what you need. A lifesaver that has been in and out of our truck more times than I can count.
  • Travel map stickers. Where have you been? Keep track and share your progress with this decal. Fun to look at and even more fun to fill in.
  • Leveling blocks. Not every site is level, so these versatile, yet compact, blocks provide the help needed when setting up.

*None of these links are affiliates or revenue-generating in any way. These items are simply tools that have benefited us greatly.

Love Your Neighbor(hood)

This month our town had its annual Burger Week, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. A number of restaurants get together each year and offer custom versions of a hamburger, special just for the week, to compete for fan favorite honors. (And for those of us who like crossing things off lists, there is even a Passport to collect stamps for a prize drawing.) The combination of hamburgers, exploring new flavors, and eating out — hand-in-hand with the opportunity to support local businesses — is a win-win in our book. Oh, and have I ever mentioned that we are strong fans of beef? I know, right? What a week!

This particular opportunity was certainly served up with a bow for this household, but there are plenty of other ways to enjoy life in ways unique to you, while at the same time blessing your community with the same activity. The economy takes all of us working together. The community needs all of its members in many different roles, living and blessing each other. When you harvest all that squash or all those tomatoes, someone has to eat it. When you go to the local craft fair or farmers market, someone worked hard for that homemade jam or handmade sign. These examples are all beautiful blends, the give-and-take of neighbors loving neighbors. We can’t individually do it all, but all together we can.

It is beautiful and healthy to lift our gaze from all the daily tasks to occasionally consider how our actions can benefit ourselves and others. Love your neighbors as you love yourself.