Good Idea: HomeRoutines App

Are you comfortable using your smartphone? Would you like a little bit of help in the effort to stay on task each day and build helpful routines?

Well, a friend, who is a constant source of inspiration, introduced me to the HomeRoutines app. Now I’d like to share it with you.

This app puts all your routines in one place, lists each task in the routine, keeps track of what is done and not done, and even has a timer at the bottom of the screen for a little extra motivation.

If you use zones for cleaning, that’s an option also. You can set tasks daily, weekly, or bi-weekly.

If you want to see all your tasks left for the day, you can see those in the To Do screen. And for a little pat on the back, check out the Accomplishments section.

You can build a routine for different times of day or different rooms. When you tap into that routine, all the individual tasks are listed.

Once you have built your routine, you will be able to just open the app in the morning and work your way down the list. If you need to add something new to your habit, just add it to the routine. You’ll run into the reminder every day, which will help you actually do it like you want to.

The timer is useful for certain tasks to help with focus. You can also use it to keep moving, racing yourself to see how many tasks you can get done in that time.

Enjoy! I’d love to hear feedback from anyone who tries this.

Time to Plan

The plans of the diligent lead to profit
as surely as haste leads to poverty.
(Proverbs 21:5)

Most of the time, when we are caught up in the rush of daily life, it seems like too much trouble to stop and make a plan. Usually, we put off serious planning because there are so many other things that “have to be done” we think there is no time left for planning ahead.

But that’s not true.

Slow and steady progress gets us farther than quick and dirty in the long run.

Taking the time to think about what we are doing and where we are going makes sure that we are making the best use of time, doing what is best for that moment. Instead of just doing something, we are confident we are doing the right thing.

You are moving when you tread water AND when you swim, but those two activities serve entirely different purposes. Are you doing the one that is most effective right now? Furthermore, swimming away from shore isn’t all that helpful when the boat sinks.

It doesn’t have to be a full weekend planning retreat. A few minutes at the beginning of the day go a long way toward productivity and maintaining priorities. An hour once a quarter is almost always available, if we value the results.

I assure you, take a deep breath and think about where you are going and how to get there. It’s worth it.