Planning and Zoning

My husband loves to look at Planning & Zoning agendas and maps. He enjoys studying road maps and railroad maps to see the plan and reasoning behind it. He likes looking at a machine and figuring out how to make it work.

However, he does not enjoy planning his day. What looked good an hour ago is not where he’s headed now. So many projects, so little time.

As you may have picked up, I find planning my day a key to success! How does this work?

Well, planning is key, whether for the month, week, day, or next few hours. Re-planning is just as important, though. A change in my plans happens on a daily (or more) basis, but making the change is still planning.

How does this look?

My meal plan is usually about 2-3 days out. It also usually contains a meal needing more prep and a dish that is quick and easy. So, when he decides one morning to work late that evening, I don’t know how late that will be so I opt for the quick meal. If he gets home at 8, we don’t have to wait until 9 to eat. If I planned a productive day at home and a from-scratch dinner, but he wakes up with a list of errands, then I switch to the slow cooker recipe that will be ready whenever we are.

The meal plan for each day is not important, but the flexibility is. Meals lined up that can be quickly switched around is planning. Switching around meals at any point in the day is re-planning and flexibility. They work together.

And, yes, I have had meals in the oven that went straight to leftovers because of last-minute changes. It happens. Still a new plan.

Meals are just one example of planning and flexibility working together, but the principle applies in other areas. Plans are important, but they are not necessarily effective as first planned. How does that look in your life?

Why We Serve Meals

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it. (Proverbs 15:17)

For most of us, meal planning takes up a significant portion of each day, week, or month. It is necessary and good. We need to eat. Those we love need to eat. Feeding the ones we love is a great way to love them. But sometimes that motivation gets lost in the shuffle.

Priorities slip easily. We can be distracted by the details of the menu and care for the presentation or the new recipe more than those eating it. We might be caught up in the rush of grocery shopping and last-minute prep for the meal. Now we’re feeling under the gun and focused on the finish line rather than the people present. We had a perfect monthly plan, but schedules changed one too many times, and now we are frustrated.

Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. (Proverbs 17:1)

When it comes down to it, family members and guests would rather have peanut butter sandwiches in a happy home than Thanksgiving dinner spread in the midst of arguments. Think about it.

The feast is the fellowship. Love includes the food served, but it also includes our attitudes and conversation and willingness to serve our loved ones over food. So as we plan the meals today, remember why and for whom. We will all enjoy those meals!