What Are You Doing Today?

Sometimes the days get away from us. Sometimes we take a few minutes at the start to think about what we need to do. In those few minutes, it is good to think about whether we have covered all the bases.

Generally speaking, we all have three sets of stuff to do. These need to be addressed for our time to be used well. That can be tricky! But if all three are reflected in the daily or weekly plan, it’s off to a good start.

Scheduled Commitments
The dentist. The practices. The work. The school days. These are things that are commitments at certain times on specific days. You don’t just stop into the dentist’s office when you are driving by; it’s a date and time. If you can’t make it as planned, you re-schedule, but it continues to be a specific date and time.

  • Work schedule
  • School schedule
  • Medical appointments
  • Sports schedule

These are the things that should — and often do — go on the calendar first. They are the non-negotiables. It’s not that you can’t reschedule, but for the moment they are fixed. You have to work around these entries.

What are your priorities? We all have them. Some are assigned to us, and some we take on ourselves. Either way, if they are truly priorities, they will show up in our use of time. So as we manage our time, we block out space on our calendars to focus on what is most important. If we don’t, these are the things that tend to continually be put off for another day, and that is a dangerous trap.

  • Do you have regular time for devotions?
  • Do you have time marked to just enjoy your friends or children or family?
  • Do you set aside 20 minutes to read on a regular basis?

The long to-do list. So much to do, but have you scheduled time to do it all? If your day is full of commitments and focused priorities, without a minute to breathe, those tasks will not get done. Tasks are the little things: errands, dishes, laundry, bank, birthday cards, etc. They do also reflect priorities, but they are the 5-to-15-minute items.

There is no need to schedule time for each task on our calendars, but it can be helpful to schedule an hour or two a day (whatever time fits each the current need) to knock out tasks.

  • Run errands (dry cleaning, bank, pharmacy)
  • Housework (hall closet, bathrooms, vacuum)
  • Bills and correspondence

That way, time is there to address them, and you can tackle the list effectively during that time without distraction.

If all three types of activities show up on the radar, we know priorities aren’t lost in tasks or appointments won’t overrun laundry. It’s a great first step in managing time and tasks!

Find Your Keys

Lately I’ve been thinking that if I stay on top of the laundry and dishes, the house will keep running in chaotic weeks. If those things get behind, it’s hard to climb back up that hill. Everything else can fit in around it or slide a little. (In other words, vacuuming a really dirty floor doesn’t take that much longer than vacuuming a slightly dirty floor, when I get to it, but five loads of laundry will take a while.)

Laundry and dishes are my housework keys. I do a load of laundry every day I can and a dishwasher load once a day. Those covered = Success.

For you it may be different. Maybe a basic surface cleaning routine makes your days sane. You’ll figure out the rest if it at least looks clean around you. Maybe meal planning is the skeleton of your household. Full stomachs make problems seem manageable. Whatever it is, it makes a big difference.

If you know what your housework keys are, you can be successful more easily than just guessing at what you MUST do in a busy week. Take a minute to think about what your keys are, if they don’t immediately come to mind. What really helps you? What keeps everything else in line? Now you can start using that knowledge as a tool when you prioritize your day. Those keys automatically stay at the front of the line for housework.

Leverage that big impact into further energy for the next step. Less time thinking through your keys and priorities, because you have thought once and are now just reapplying, gives you more time to use each day. You have more mental space and energy to focus on what you should be doing instead of what should I be doing? Make the most of it.