2021 Goals

Will you make some goals for the coming new year? It may be a way to intentionally grow or strengthen a weakness. Here’s a path you can follow to make the most of your effort.

Examine your responsibilities. As you look through each segment of your life, consider what your priorities are and what could be even better.

Imagine a step forward in each area of your life. You may come up with a list that includes things like this:

  • Spiritual – Need to find concentrated prayer time rather than sporadic and occasional
  • Home – Start meal planning sooner than 15 minutes before each meal
  • Church – Exercise hospitality
  • Education – Take a class at the rec center to learn a new skill
  • Community – Volunteer at a local organization
  • Health – Walk 10,000 steps a day

As you review this list of possible steps forward in each arena, look at them in light of your current life. You know that a major work project is starting mid-January, so extra classes will probably not fit well with the extra effort needed there. You also decide to hold off on the volunteering until you do more research and find a good fit.

Looking at the remaining options, you feel they are equally attainable; so now it is a matter of choosing which one you will do now. Sometimes two work together well, as prayer and hospitality can support each other as you are motivated to pray for those you welcome into your home. Other times, a single focus would be better, allowing you to pinpoint your effort and set yourself up for success.

Remember: Don’t worry about the possibilities you don’t choose. They put you ahead of schedule the next time you sit down to evaluate. Remember that one step forward is better than none. And I assure you, no one can do everything all at once. Steady, gradual improvement over time will add up.

So let’s say you choose prayer and walking as your immediate goals. Great! Now how will you go about reaching those goals?

Start on the action plan. Brainstorm ideas that would support your success.

Is getting up a bit earlier enough to create the time in your day for prayer? Would a prayer journal help keep you on task and visibly show daily time? Do you need to hire a sitter or teach young children quiet time? Write done your ideas so you can choose what will work best for you.

Decide how you might like to get your steps in. Does early morning work best? Do you already have a device or app to track your steps? What habits need to change, such as where you park at a store or church? Can you combine your prayer and walking time, which would let each goal support the other?

Pick the ideas that you think will work best. Set up your reminders and schedule, as needed. Communicate any changes that you may need others to know.

Now you can work the plan you created! You have a goal and know the steps you need to take to reach it.


A big part of living on purpose and making the best use of our time is knowing what we are doing and why we are doing it.

“Busyness as Proxy for Productivity: In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive and valuable in their jobs, many knowledge workers turn back toward an industrial indicator of productivity: doing lots of stuff in a visible manner.” Cal Newport, Deep Work

Newport wrote a book about work that actually moves us forward, and the quotation above is describing a major block to that kind of work. Busy for busy’s sake does not get you anywhere. It is spinning in a circle. Busy is not the same thing as productive.

If you know your end goal, your priorities, your calling, then you know where you are going. You have your why.

Now when you look at your activities, you can more easily see what fits with your why and what doesn’t.

If it doesn’t fit with your why, move it out of the way, off the road. You need that room for your actual work.

If the activity fits with a minor priority, make sure it is not consuming the majority of your effort. Move it to the side but not off the road.

If it does fit with your priorities, your why, you are either continually supporting the goal (like never-ending laundry or dishes) or moving closer to the goal. These activities are productive, not just busy.

Please, I beg you, don’t be busy just to look busy. Think about what you are doing and push toward the goal. That is a good day’s work!